Old Hot Cloth Distribution Program By Organisation In Between Vulnarable Family.

We often buy new clothes so casually that it doesn’t even make a difference anymore. We’d have unused clothes in our cupboards, just lying there with tags, waiting for us to wear them while we are waiting for some special occasion or maybe we don’t like them anymore.
This may not be a huge deal for us but it sure is for someone who just wishes for a piece of cloth on their bodies. Who just wishes they don’t have to roam around in all ripped clothes. We may not be able to bring significant changes in the world but you can surely change someone’s world significantly by donating food and clothes to the under privileged and needy.
These basic needs for us could be someone’s luxury and you could help make that happen. All you would require is to donate your old and used or unused clothes to someone who would really have value for it and not just it would make their lives better but it would also make you feel good.
Let’s not forget “change begins at home” and if you want a better world start being the change you want to see. Help these people’s who need more